Clearing Data Diagnostics & Malfunctions

1 Introduction

This document will provide a description of the malfunction and diagnostic events and the actions that should be performed by both the driver and the carrier.

2 Responsibilities

2.1 Carrier Responsibilities Regarding Malfunctions

The carrier must:

• Provide drivers with an instruction sheet describing the various ELD malfunction events and record keeping procedures (this document, also downloadable below.)
• Provide drivers with a supply of 8 days’ worth of blank paper driver records
• Repair, replace or service

Motor carrier must correct the malfunction of the ELD within 8 days of discovery of the condition or a driver’s notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first.

2.2 Record Keeping Responsibilities by the Driver

The driver must:

For Malfunction Events
o Note the ELD malfunction and provide the carrier with written notice within 24hrs
o Reconstruct driving events for the current 24hr period and previous 7 consecutive days using paper logs (unless they can be retrieved from the ELD)
o Continue to manually prepare driving logs until ELD is serviced and brought back into compliance
o During inspections which take place when a malfunction has occurred: provide safety official with manually kept driver logs

• For Data Diagnostic Events
o The driver must follow the motor carriers and ELD providers recommendations in resolving the data inconsistency

2.3 Clearing Malfunction and Data Diagnostic Events

• ELD needs to capture when a malfunction or data diagnostic event has been cleared by the driver
• Unidentified driving records data diagnostic

Events that drop to 15 minutes or less during the current 24hr period and previous 7 days can be cleared automatically and there is no requirement to record the automatic clear.

2.3 The Data Diagnostic Button

Data diagnostic events acquired by the driver will be displayed in the application’s header which is always visible across all screens.

There will also be a notification in the Android toolbar indicating a data diagnostic events.

To clear a data diagnostic, follow these steps.

1. Tap the "D" icon shown above. 

2. Select "Clear All" as shown below.


3. When prompted to Clear Data Diagnostic, Select Yes to complete.

Note: ELD Data Diagnostic status affects only the authenticated user, therefore, the ELD only indicates the active data diagnostic event status applicable to the active driver. Data diagnostic event dialog will no longer pop up whenever it occurs, hence, the data diagnostic ‘D’ icon will be in an orange color when data diagnostic events have occurred.

The ‘D’ icon will only turn back to white once the dialog for the data diagnostic list is closed and will turn back to orange once there are new active data diagnostic events.



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